Brazil, Guarulhos
course-v1:ETH+FC-01x+2019_T1 -
Uploaded on 2024-01-09 by Rodrigo Andrade
This photo captures Guarulhos City, one of Brazil's largest urban areas, analyzing the significant urban density of my neighborhood we can see the area consists of houses, with only a small cluster of buildings known as CDHU, part of the Minha Casa Minha Vida initiative, aimed at providing improved housing for those in need. Examining the housing structures and construction styles in this area we get known of its socio-economic profile. The neighborhood, typical of unplanned urban areas, lacks parks due to the prioritization of housing over environmental and recreational spaces during its construction. This kind of unplanned urbanization brings challenges such as soil permeability issues, limited green coverage leading to higher temperatures, and improper street layouts, which collectively contribute to various urban challenges. Additionally, this picture allows us to uncover invisible data about the construction system, land use, socio-economic dynamics and neighborhood infrastructure.