Uploaded on 2016-10-25 by sushmita sushma
this is city square and we can clearly notice the general problems faced in the main city due to traffic and vendors.we can see the traffic congestion at nodal points.moreover poor pedestrian area can be noticed that compels people to walk on main road ,also creates jam and there is risk of accident.we can also notice that due to improper electrical lining along the area wires are messed up and hampers the elevational view .also cart vendors encroaches the foothpath area ,as tree nearby it attracts them to do this.we can notice greenary in the area. the invisible factors are passerby economic background and importance of this area.this area connects main locations of the city therefore there is heavy rush in traffic ,also this area is basically commercial hub therefore people are attracted to the area.also passerby belongs to all classes of society as we can notice four wheeler as well as two wheeler..also its natural human mentality to avoid walking close to electrical poles therefore the pedestrian is simply a wastage .