Uploaded on 2020-08-31 by Bhavin
1. Safety, Environment, Job opportunities, Infrastructure, Transportation 2. Feeling of belongingness (strong cultural association), Quality education and health care, Employment opportunities, Better living environment, Ranked as safest cities in the country. 3. Several CCTV cameras and police booth at road junctions develop a feeling of safety among the residents well connected with public transportation, good quality of recreational, medical and educational facilities in the vicinity. rating: 80/100, General live ability scale - 70/100 4. I would plan for the rapidly growing peripheries of the city which today are getting developed in unplanned haphazard manner with a poor quality of public realm and poorly developed neighbourhood and deterioration of rich urban ecology of the peripheries. 5. Mumbai, Copenhagen, Singapore - Good quality of public realm, Employment and education opportunities, cultural richness, quality of life, night life and city energy.