Uploaded on 2020-07-08 by Thadeu Ribeiro Abreu Neves/ Photo: Image isn't mine. Unknown Autor
a.Provisioning services - In the north of Brazil there is an Amzônica forest that contributes to the medicines and comercial natural products, and provides wood to industrials sectors (but this industry also causes illegal devastation of the area and compromises the survival of the forest). Besides that, Brazil's an adundance of water and rivers to hydroeletricals and bio-mass energy. b.Regulating services - As regulators, Amazonia and Pantanal act as air filtration, climate regulation for the whole country, water production (the biggest river in the world Amzonia) , Erosion and Irrigation control and soil formation. c.Habitat or Supporting services: The natural forests and fresh water rivers in Brazil provide a natural and diverse habitat for countless species of animal and insects as well as human beings. Biodiversity in flora and fauna can subsist throughout several wilderness protection areas, like Amzônia florest and the indigenous reserves, and Pantanal. d.Cultural services: Brazil has many cultural attributes, MASP, which is one of the largest museums and has hosted important exhibitions from around the world. Historic cities like Salvador and inland like Ouro Preto. Carnival, which is a typical event in Brazil that promotes the union, celebration and promotion of samba, a Brazilian music style.