Uploaded on 2016-10-03 by Anda Varna
**1. Which are your top livability criteria?** Environment - Climate - Safety - Economy - Job Opportunities **2. Why do we live where we live?** I am currently living in Nørresundby, Denmark (the Northern part of country). The main reasons for this is the work opportunities and education possibilities (different universities, schools). Additionally, I highly value the surrounding environment - calm, safe and relatively quiet area (taking into account the short distance from city center), landscape and accessibility, and transportation. **3. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfil your ideal livability criteria?** 1. Environment - 80/100 2. Climate - 65/100 3. Safety - 85/100 4. Economy - 90/100 5. Job Opportunities - 50/100 *General score of livability criteria: 74 out of 100.* **4. What would you change?** The city itself is growing and the infrastructure and housing problems are being improved. However, due to the increase of inhabitants and visitors, there is an increasing issue with parking possibilities in the city center or around it. Although the city seems to be transformed to a more "green" and better appealing for living possibilities (increased number of recreation areas and parks), people more often start to experience the problem with lack of parking places. This could be improved by, while removing the parking places from city center, increasing the number of parking "houses" or underground parking elsewhere. **5. Why do we move?** At the moment I have no plans to move elsewhere. However, the following places seem appealing to me: Switzerland – Environment, climate, life quality, safety and culture. Canada - Nature, environment, safety, job opportunities and economy.