Libyan Arab, Tripoli
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2020-06-14 by Asif Nakhuda
1. This photo is taken in a suburb of Tripoli, Libya, called Serraj. The visible information includes the roads and buildings, trees, cars, power (electricty) lines, signs, and stores, etc 2. The invisible information includes the traffic here on this road, and also that the only types of vehicles on this road here at this time are cars, and no pedestrians 3. Why only cars are on this road at this time could be an important basis of further study and refinement - why only cars? is this just a coincidence? is this indicative of the area/city as a whole, and what does that say about the inhabitants and commerce, trade, etc. Digging deeper in this way can generate real knowledge that will support future urban development efforts