China, Changchun
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2020-06-14 by Noel Wang
This is a picture of my city, Changchun, Jilin, China. Changchun is an industrial city and it is moderately populated. The most important income of this city's economy is car production. This consequently results a significantly higher number of vehicles present than other cities. To reduce traffic pressure, the government builds numerous bridges in order to use limited road spaces efficiently. This is one of highway interchange located in a part of suburban district of Changchun. The invisible information from this photo can be the weight of the bridge. How the noise produced by cars on the highway can effect adjacent communities. From this image, we can see that this highway is closed to neighborhoods. Acoustical pollution can be a considerable issue for urban planners. The government may need to come out with a better solution of how to minimize the negative effect while stabilizing increasing traffic.