Uploaded on 2020-05-22 by RAGHAVVENDRA G V
Bangalore has a complex system of road networks and multi-modal options to reach a particular destination. The decision to take a particular travel route to reach a destination is often governed by variables like 'time' (fastest route), 'distance' (shortest route) and 'fare' (economical route). However, when I interacted with the local people in Bangalore, it came to my notice that people consider other factors such as safety and comfort in traversing a particular route. Few people stressed upon using modal options that were 'eco-friendly' such as metro's and even considered 'walking' as it has health benefits. This gave me an idea to develop an application that provides a 'travel efficiency index' that considers both quantitative (time, distance and fare) and qualitative (safety, comfort, eco-friendliness and health benefits) factors for a particular travel route and the modal options involved in it. The rating of these qualitative variables can be as per people's voting whenever they have taken those travel routes. This would comprehensively involve the citizens in promoting an efficient and safe travel within the city.