Uploaded on 2020-04-11 by Phil Seon Ko
2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? a. Metro Manila (Quezon City) - 36.5 C b. Rizal Province (Tanay) - 31.2 C UHI in Metro Manila can be attributed to the large presence of buildings, urban developments, large population density, and high carbon emissions. In the nearby province of Rizal, greener landscapes and lower population densities allow heat to dissipate more quickly. 3. Which are the measures you would propose I would establish first a baseline by gathering proper heat data from the city. I would then develop policies to prevent UHI presence in newer developments. 4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? The national climate change action plan from 2011 to 2028 has action plans for Energy Efficiency & Conservation that tackles the economic cost of HVAC in Makati. A sample study of 52 buildings in Makati shows a potential savings of up to USD 4.5M could be realized if these would shift to more efficient air conditioning. No direct studies have been made for the assessment of UHI presence in the city. Green Buildings have become very important that building standards have been revised to address climate issues.