Uploaded on 2020-04-02 by anshu gupta
In this image we can see that there is a lot of kiosk on a small street. This is one of the overcrowded typical street of old Delhi where no proper planning measures took place. The visible data that can be inferred from this picture is that a 4M wide street is crowded with pedestrians, private scooters, cars, irregular parking , loading and boding of materials on the left side. This area has a mosque and a street which is surrounded by G+2 housing and shops on both its side. The invisible data that can be taken out of this scenario is that this area has a mixed use development (shops + houses + religious place) with no restriction / free movement of vehicles. There is no proper movement of people around. This shows that the area was not planned intelligently which would see that how would the place and surroundings look like after 50 years.