Uploaded on 2020-02-03 by Isaac Garcia
a. Tokyo Bay has served as a rich source of food supply for a great amount of time. Three main fish species live in this area: sea perch, sea bream, and flounder. Additionally, it serves as a temporary home for many other marine species that migrate from colder waters. b. Flood control ponds are commonly found in the suburbs that form part of the greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area. These ponds in addition to helping avoid the oversaturation of the drainage system in the event of heavy rainfall, they provide recreational areas for the nearby residents and serve as shelters for the local species of flora and fauna. c. The Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park serves a wildlife conservation area and a recreational/educational park for anyone interested in getting to know about the wildlife and natural history of Tokyo Bay. d. Mt. Takao, in the outskirts of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, is a very popular hiking place where visitors, in addition of being able to experience hiking trails of varying difficulties, enjoy of local products and experience craft workshops. Photo source: a)Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government/b)Nagareyama City official website/c)Ota Tokyo official website/d)Forestry Agency official website.