Uploaded on 2019-12-02 by Nele Mühmer
2. For Nancy, France the average temperature In July is 25 degrees 8 (Celsius)and 13 degrees at night. Overall, in Lorraine, France the average temperature, is 24 degrees. If this is not due to the geographical position of the city or possible divergences in the measurements, that would mean that even Nancy, which is a city of only 100 000 habitants, or 400 000 in the metropolitan area, has a measurable effect on the temperature, which seems unlikely. Over the year there is approximately a 1-degree difference in the measurements. 3. More parks, green spaces, less cars and more climate and emission neutral transportation. 4. For this exercise I looked up the agenda of the last meeting of the municipal council and found the following point on “6th Sustainable Housing Program: Program of Interest General ( P.I.G.) Improving habitat in Greater Nancy / Subsidies in favor of the private park”. The decision made on that point in the session was to subsidies about 50- 605 of the project, to attribute “écoprimes”, a payment to the habitants of the buildings, and other financial support for the realization of the project (Source: Communication au Conseil Municipal, Session of the 4th of November).