Uploaded on 2019-11-27 by Nele Mühmer
Nele Mühmer – nele.muhmer@sciencespo.fr – 24.11.2019 1. Education/ Job possibilities – Recreation Possibilities – Climate – International Connectivity – Safety 2. Nancy, France; there are few, but strong reasons. Education, Infrastructure (shops, library, Events organized by the University), aesthetics historical town center) and Community (defined as: friends or family or network with similar values) 3. In % and in the order of the criteria above: 70/40/50/30/90 In total about 56% for my personal needs, subjective criteria. All the criteria from the general list probably 75-ish. 4. Extend the regional events similar to the Christmas markets or the book fair attracting habitants from the greater metropolitan area; restauration of the facades in the old town 5. Cape Town (Climate, Culture, Community, Economy, Recreation Possibilities) New York (Education, Job Opportunities, Economy, International Connectivity, Infrastructure) Berlin (Community, Infrastructure, Job Opportunity, International Connectivity Education)