Uploaded on 2016-09-08 by Jessica Bedford
With this image you can see no visible power lines, as most of these are infact underground. This is where South Korean government is willing to spend extra money in order to develop the country and to stay technologically ahead. However with this they still don't find use in solar panels even though there are many roof tops that could actually use this technology. Coming from South Africa where for the most part we have methods in our houses to survive if the electricity goes off, there are no such precautions here. People would panic if the power was turned off. At night the whole area is lit up with multi coloured lights the whole night. Also seen here are man made canals, these are linked to the ocean, and are mainly to make the area more appealing for people. The areas here are made completely for people walking, and the road that can be seen is one of the places where you can taake public transport. There are all the infrastructures that are needed.