Uploaded on 2019-08-12 by Zhu Ling
1. 1862 Mtoe of Coal are produced and imported in the year 2016) 2.The largest consumption is in Industry, with 996 Mtoe. In this way, coal is the 56% of the total fuel used for this sink. The rest of the coal is used for residential, 73 Mtoe and for various Non-energy use, 50 Mtoe. 3.Looking at the Sankey Diagram for China, It was observed that the main sink is industry, following by the residential use and transport. 1) Encouraging passive design for industrial and residential buildings. 2) Using renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind power, solar energy, bioenergy (biogas), geothermal energy, ocean tide energy, seawater temperature difference power generation, etc. 3) Mixed-use planning, blending residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, in this way travel distances are reduced and the quality of life in the urban environment is improved. 4) Promoting public transportation and cycling. 5) Raising awareness for responsible consumption and production. 7) Cutting PM2.5. e.g.encouraging the use of cleaner-burning replacement fuels and speed up efforts to eliminate small and inefficient coal-fired heating boilers in smog-prone regions; and encouraging steel mills to install ultra-low-emission technology.