Uploaded on 2019-08-09 by Laura Kromminga (photo credit: finemchi)
Q1: The dominant fossil fuels used in Germany are ‘Oil products’ and ‘Natural gas’. Third fossil fuel is coal, which comes behind most other energy sources and has been decreasing since around 1990. Q2: Oil products are mainly used for Transportation (Roads), while Natural gas is mainly used for ‘Residential’ purposes (22.1 Mtoe out of the 32.5 Mtoe that are used for ‘Other’ purposes). Q3: Since it is not fully clear from the Sankey diagram what the energy is used for in residents, this would need further investigation. I believe it is mostly for heating. A lot has been done to insulate houses already. Also, the financial subsidising for solar and wind powers have been reduced in the past. I would like them to be put into place again, so that also poorer households can afford their own elecritity source. Secondly, I would input a new policy, which subsidises locally run and locally used elecritiy storing. Since the storage of elecricity is a main concern and can not feasibly be solved at household level. Households produce and use their own electricity (orange), while storing the exess at the storage (dark blue).