Uploaded on 2019-07-24 by BETÜL BAKIR
There is list of some services in Turkey 1.Provisioning services Food (Fruits, Daily Products, Fishery) Biological raw materials (Wood products Fiber Animal skins) Biomass fuels (Biological materials converted to energy.) Freshwater (Water used for drinking, cleaning, industrial purposes.) Genetic resources(Services provided by using genetic information of living things.) Biochemicals, natural drugs (Drugs, additives and so on.) 2. Regulatory services Maintaining Air Quality (Absorption of chemicals in the atmosphere) Climate regulation (Absorption of greenhouse gases by forests or oceans and so on.) Regulation of water flow and timing.(Over control of rivers or wetlands, etc.) Erosion control (Prevention of erosion of vegetation covers.) Cleaning of water (Wetlands clean up water or organisms break down organic waste.) Disease reduction (Ecosystems reduce certain human diseases. (Mosquito control, etc.) 3. Cultural services Recreation and ecotourism (Trekking, fishing manners, mountaineering etc.) Moral and spiritual values (Humans are ecosystems, species or spiritual values that they attribute to natural areas.) Educational and inspiring values (Knowledge used in fields such as intellectual development, culture and art.) 4. Supporting services Living environments (Supportive services are natural processes that support the existence of other ecosystem services.) Food cycle Primary production Water cycle