Uploaded on 2016-09-02 by Osama Al-Gazali
Until the seventeenth, Yemen - my country - was importing all of its energy demand from neighbouring countries, Until the 1986 and 2008 in which oil's- and gas's production started respectively. Yemen mostly depends on fossil fuel type of energy, but it imported 60% and 90% - in accordance to the statistic of sankey diagram in the last few years 2010 to 2013 - for getting revenue. These big percentage does not imply that the remaining energy can meet the demand as the main reason is to get reveas. This is due to the current fact that the oil and gas exports d contribute more than 70% of the country economy. Very marginal energy comes from biowaste products, which can be a potential. 30% and 10% of the energy is used- in accordance to the statistic of Sankey diagram in the last few years 2010 to 2013 - for transport and industry. Perhabs, there are three energy policy issues; first is neglecting the potential first of wind and sun types of energy and biowaste energy by encouraging cycling and giving incentives for them. Second issue is in-efficiency of energy distribution due to the outage energy distribution infrastructure. Third is changing the amount of exported energy if the local demand is surely covered. Exporting and importing in an empty cycle imply further co2 emission and thus impacting negatively the urban local climate and contributing on the global warning. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PHTOT IS NOT TAKEN BY ME. The question did not ask to make photos and i can not submit my task without uploading photo and stated that it is mine??