Uploaded on 2016-09-02 by Aayush Kedia
Nashik is a major town in the northern region of Maharashtra state of India. Nashik is located at about a distance of 100 miles from Mumbai. Food - Being a major urban center but also being surrounded by a lot of fertile land, Nashik produces a lo of food which is being transported to different part of India also exported. A major part of food though is kept for use with in the city. Also a lot of food items are imported to fulfill the needs. Nashik having a lot of food processing units a lot of food enters which gets processed at these industries. This food and food items are then either consumed or transported. Hence huge amount of food and food items are both stocked and flows through the city. Water- Being surrounded by rivers and lot of dams, a lot of water flows down via these rivers to various dams and also during monsoons a lot of water is stored in the dams. The water is either used to produce electricity or for the purpose of consumption. But not all the water is consumed within the city a lot of water from these dams are transported to mega cities like Mumbai whose major water requirements are fulfilled by water stored at these dams. Again these dams stock huge amount of water but also large amounts of water flow for with in city use and also supplied to other cities. Students- Being a major city in the region, the city has a lot of students coming in for their education. Hence there is huge inward migration of students which come for 3-4 years atleast and a large number of students stay back for work. But also a lot of local students go to bigger towns for education hence there is a huge inflow and outflow of students throughout the year also a huge stock of students being added each year is inflow is more than the outflow.