Uploaded on 2019-05-27 by Nikiforos Tolis
N.Smyrni /Athens, Greece. Firstly_ The stock of the parked cars of the citizens who returning from their jobs. Secondly_ The flow of people from the surrounding urban areas who visit the central square of N.Smyrni. Thirdly_ The immense traffic which takes place during the hours of people who return from their job and others who visit the city center. 1.The ellipses of the car parking areas into the old apartment’s blocks and the non-application of the laws from authorities are resulting the side-road and more importantly the pavement to be used as a car warehouse during the evening and night. 2.The lack of sustainable urban spaces for recreational and retail activities in the surrounding cities as like public squares and parks driving N.Smyrni to act as an entertaining capacitor for the surrounding urban areas traffic density. 3.The fragmented road network towards N.Smyrni city and the poor education of Greek people in sustainable transportation result spotted traffic jams. Density could be balanced by the urban development of the surrounding areas. The law must be applied so the people will start to park in designed park areas/buildings. Subsequently the income from car parking should be invested in the sustainable transportation