Russia, Moscow
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2019-05-14 by Kira R.
The visible information in this picture are: the photo was taken at night; only some cars use the motorway; only some pedestrians use the sidewalk; the street and sidewalk are fully illuminated as well as the office building on the other side of the street; the street has more than four lanes in every direction; there are only two large/high buildings. Besides, there is also invisible information that can be found in the picture: the employee's working hours until late in the evening and the preferred traffic routes that car drivers use to reach their goals. When taking into account the employee's usual working hours, the public transport system could be improved and made more efficient. When being aware of the normal working hours, the public transport system could operate with respect of them. When taking into account that for example the shifts at a certain factory always end and start at a time, there could be offered more metro or bus rides during this time for being prepared for the suddenly increasing number of passengers. By that, the city becomes more livable because its inhabitants get to know that the public transport is not rigid but flexible.