India, Chennai
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2019-05-05 by Modali Nandita Krishna
This picture was taken in One Town area, Vijayawada, India at 5:40 pm. 1. Visible is the extremely narrow street not more than 40 feet, with buildings adjoining each other. An open-drainage system and parked vehicles on the street. A haphazard overhead wiring system. 2. What is invisible is how is the balance between the vehicular and pedestrian movement st? How is the open-drainage system maintained? The stone bench indicates its a residential zone a common sight in Indian architecture. Also, does this narrow street conceive a microclimate? 3.Invisible information to knowledge to planning for a more livable urban space: The narrow street is located near a commercial spot in the city of Vijayawada, India. The flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic is different at different times of the day. Since residential, we know that there will be children. And from its location busy vehicular traffic is possible. In future urban planning, the open-drainage system should be made shut to prevent occurrences of falling into it and the spread of germs. And since public interplay on the roads is one of the common sights increasing the possibilities for pedestrian movement, the narrow streets can still be retained.