Philippines, Imus
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2019-04-16 by Anthony Lapierre
Here is a picture from my balcony. On this picture we can see two invisible things that can be made visible. The first one is the Water Tower in the back. This water tower is supplying the neighborhood with water. The second thing is the tricycle. The neighborhood is serviced by a group of tricycle drivers that can transport resident to the main road. On this picture we can see the water distribution system and the transportation system of the neighborhood. We have a lot of water shortage in the neighborhood. If we were able to add sensors to the water tank and each house, we would be able to analyze water consumption in the neighborhood. We also have moments of the day during which there are no drivers available. If we could use sensors on the mobile of the drivers, we could analyze patterns and optimize their availability.