Uploaded on 2019-02-16 by the imagen is taken of the web page of Official tourism website
A-01/ Oil 68.4 Mtoe, Natural Gas 28.2(both imported) and Nuclear power 15.3 (produced) Almost all the oil and gas used in Spain is imported, with less than 1% being domestically produced. Oil is by far the most important fuel, meeting 46% of the country's primary energy needs, followed by natural gas (24%), nuclear power (13%) and coal (6%). A-02/ Industry (18.2 Mtoe), Transport (30.6 Mtoe), Others (28.5 Mtoe),Non-energy use (4.9 Mtoe).Regarding the above, in specific with “other uses”, its notably that 15.0 of the 28.5 Mtoes correspond to residential consumption. A-03/ 1. Educational and training campaign,for professionals and the community in general. 2. Energy saving: 2.1. Increasing green surfaces (roofs,facades, sidewalks and roads). Efficient energy regulation for construction, with incentives and strict controls. More local production and consumption. 2.2. Transportation: Optimization of the system and its connectivity, Enhance the offer / variety of public transport.3. Energy Sources: 3.1. Promote research and development, from the primary education to the university and also in public and private institutions. 3.2. Compensate the use of renewable sources (or technology based on it) and on the other hand, penalize contrary tendencies.