Uploaded on 2019-01-25 by Raes
The idea is the development of a scalable smart city app/platform that supports local decision making based on open government data and citizen science data. By sharing local data coming from devices as smart electricity meters, solar panels yield, domestic water consumption, water levels of local waterways, air quality sensors but also data about traffic counts, traffic accidents, use of public transport, car sharing, bike sharing relevant data can be linked. All the data can be joined or uploaded by using available IOT standards. Existing community platforms, who are often local chat groups can use this information to discuss their neighbourhood based on factual data and can use this information to address daily live concerns with the government. The app is available on PC, tablet and smartphone and starts from the interactive map of your neighbourhood. To make sure that only people living in the community can interact (other people can follow the discussion but can't communicate as a neighbour) a single time registration is needed (for example by using an electronic ID card or via an interaction with a local platform representative). Photo: Door Edelseider - Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20417757