Uploaded on 2018-11-11 by deirdre kiernan
Mobile application to highlight vandalism and dereliction in Dublin City, through a crowd sourced platform Based within Dublin’s inner city, the app is aimed to target under used and derelict sites within the city that can be put to better use, based on local inputs. The app will operate through crowd sourced information, by the community to geo locate and high light dereliction in their area. This can be used by government to address under preforming land uses, to tackle ‘broken window’ syndrome in valuable inner city locations. But also give the community control to tell powers what that do and don’t like. Whether vandalism is negative or positive. Using the mobile app the user will have access to an Interactive map base where they can take a picture of something they see that shapes their perception of an area whether good or bad and draw attention to what might otherwise be over looked. Once uploaded they can comment on the issue and other users can comment and rate whether they view this as a positive or negative. The data collected can then be used by the local Council to implement effect change that is responsive to community needs.