Uploaded on 2018-11-05 by Shreyata Khurana
1.Citizen Design Science is a new strategy for cities to integrate citizens’ ideas and wishes in urban planning process. It means participation of citizens in urban planning process with online design tools. It is a combination of both concepts for urban systems: it adds combination of human observation, cognition, experience and local knowledge into a scientific framework that improves planning, design, management and transformation of buildings and cities. It bundles individual observations and inventions into a bottom up flow of data and information to improve the planning and functioning of a city. 2.If I were working with the local government and I want to solve the problem of a certain neighborhood that doesn’t feel safe while walking in the evening or during night, then I would like to improve the public spaces by starting up a Citizen Design Science Project by understanding the exact problems faced by the people living there. This would give an overview of area with perception of citizens. The factors to be taken care of includes light, ventilation, accessibility, comfort, accessibility, inclusiveness etc. 3.If I have set up a project involving CDS, then, accessibility, sustainable design and factors enhancing livability of design. Image source: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=citizendesignscience&rlz=1C1CHZL_enIN802IN802&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=CCoqyhg1j0e0kM%253A%252Cj7z8nteeTezoUM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSmGJWp8myV0jjKMqFdOsk-LbIkUw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKkZDxl77eAhUIRY8KHcy7APEQ9QEwDnoECAUQDA#imgrc=ODKnq3srU462PM: