Uploaded on 2018-09-28 by Central 156
1. Provisioning Services - Curitiba water policies are driven by the presence of several efficiency measures, including water meters, separate pipes for non-drinking water, hose-pipe bans and rainwater collection. 2. Regulating Services - Curitiba has reduced flood mitigation expenditures by promotion of park development in flood-prone areas. This strategy is estimated to be 5% lower than building concrete canals and have the potential to provide thermally comfortable leisure areas for the city. 3. Habitat or Supporting Services - Curitiba relies on proper management of rivers, streams, forests and surrounding land for secure access to good quality water. The ‘Curitiba Metropolitan Water Project’, through a system called ‘Payment for Ecosystem Services’, property owners are now being rewarded for conservation actions relating to waterbodies and forests. 4. Cultural Services - Curitiba has about 50 square meters of parkland per person and roughly 21 million square meters are linear parks along rivers and streams that act as buffers between flood-prone rivers and the city. One of the city's most popular park "Parque Barigui" is a successful example of this 3 decades and going strategy. https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*dmdPrgxRwPFuLbCc8kDYEg.jpeg Image: Parque Barigui