Uploaded on 2018-09-17 by Laura Pájaro S.
In Philadelphia, when I changed the bar of housing, which is the most important factor to me, it only increased one point. This means that there is good housing opportunities already. Nonetheless, when I moved opportunity all the way down, the score increased around 7 points. There may be little opportunities for job there. In the case of Montana, the change is not as big as Philadelphia, indicating that there is good transport. Nonetheless, if we do the same with neighborhood, the score of Montana decreases tremendously - this may indicate most of neighborhoods are not well-connected In comparison with Filadelfia and Montana, Boston has less housing options, they are probably not very affordable. However, if I move the neighborhood, transportation environment and health bar, one by one all the way to the right, the score increases in more than 10 points! Boston lacks of housing choices but in most of the other terms ranks relatively good.