Uploaded on 2018-09-15 by Juan Francisco Carot MartÃn
1- Main fossil fuels used in Spain are oil(40.2 Mtoe) and gas(13.7 Mtoe). 2- Mainly used for Transport (Oil 27.7 and Gas 0.3) and Industry (Oil 2.7 and Gas 6.9) 3- Spain is within the countries with more solar-light hours (effective) in the world so I would make sense to take advantage of that situation. As you can appreciate from the Diagram, Spain uses oil as it mains source of energy even though it does not produce it, even more, it imports a great percentage of it. I would work on new regulations to facilitate solar panel plants and self consumption, specially for factories as it would considerably reduce the oil dependency. I would introduce changes in the energy system so to focus more on renawable energies instead of on buying and using oil as a main source, modernizing the net (efficient smart grids) and progressively introducing citizens and companies as sources of energy (private own plants). P.S. - In the picture you can appreciate the sunny skies we enjoy in Spain most of the year.