Uploaded on 2018-08-04 by Ron
In Amsterdam we have a lot of city science projects on countless subjects. Waag society is specialised in more technical projects. The project I went to mention here is about measuring meteorolotical data. You cab buy for about €100 a data tool to meassure different data. Amsterdam is a big city so we have different microclimates in town. Also the heat Island effect is unevenly spread around the city. With the private gathered data its nicely visible where the cool places in the city are. One of this instrument in the box is collecting data about fine partical dust P10 and P25. From the privately gathered data we know there are some streets in the centre of the city where the national and intenational (WHO)norm's of dust are exeeded. The average of the entire city is below the norm. In some of those streets the government planted aditional trees and at this moment we are measuring if this intervention is succesvol in reducing the amount of fine dust in those streets.