Uploaded on 2018-03-02 by Daniel Diaz Reogon
The world is becoming more and more globalised. Borders are disappearing and the work or even social networks have spread to several countries due to the development of means of transport and social apps respectively. Due to the need to travel longest distances, airports have become a critical infrastructure within national and regional economies. Airports are essential for the development of the cities and millions of users utilise its installations. The impact on the economy and the consumption of resources are so big that they become ‘cities’ themselves compounded of large range of infrastructures. Due to its large scale and the required facilities to serve the need of the number of user, a new economy has been created round airports. Shopping centres, hotels, public transports connections… serve the day-to-day need of passengers. Therefore, one of the biggest challenges in future for urban planners is how to integrate them in their pre-existing location without undermining local communities.