Uploaded on 2018-02-27 by Ana Maria Cabrera Camacho
In Colombia we had the past 50 a civil war with diferent armed Groups that afectes several stocks and flows inside the Country. Due to the violence and was Scenarios that we lived mainly un the rural Areas there was a strong flow of People into the Mayor cities. People had to Abandon their homes and relocate of migrate into cities where there was a stock of opportinities in the form of education / Information in universities, City infraestructure, meaning stock as access to water and Food. As a result there was a flow in the finances, economy was changed due to the low farming productivity given by the flow of People from the countryside to cities. Cities grew exponentially and the Limits of the City were changes by improvisen homing ceated for the new City inhabitants. Finally it bacame unbearable for the goverment to supply everyone with water, energy, housing, eduzcation, potencializing unequality and changing stocks and flows in the City.