Uploaded on 2018-02-02 by Lars Duindam
1) Imported oil and oil procucts in particular are the main fossil fuels used in the Netherlands. The gas industry does also play a significant role in our total supply of energy producing products. But more than half of the total production and imports is exported to other countries. 2) I can't see a clear difference between the several categories. The lines are too small, so no numbers are allied. But the categories 'Industry', 'Tranport' and 'Non-energy use' seem to have quite the same consumption of energy. 3) This week the government came with a plan to reduce the winning of gas with 50 percent. This measure will be taken to prevent further damage to houses and other buildings due to the settlement of the ground in het northern part of the Netherlands. To compensate this reduction we should make more use of all the water and wind that we have. We already have several water turbines that create energy in an efficient way by making use of the tides (shown in picture), but that could be much more. Also placing more wind turbines in the sea and the coastal area could help in my opinion.