Uploaded on 2018-01-29 by Anjali S Patil
Module 3 1. WHICH ARE YOUR TOP LIVABILITY CRITERIA? a. Job opportunity b. Culture c. Safety d. Infrastructure e. Environment 2. WHY DO WE LIVE WHERE WE LIVE? We dream of better life condition, environment, safety and many more things. “WHERE WE LIVE” is a decision made by a person considering may issues because not every person has similar priorities and expectations from life and these desires or priorities decide where we live. Let me state few of them- a. Job opportunity or livelihood is the prior decision factor but b. Social circle or family responsibilities may take priority position c. Personal/ Social identity- is another major factor which stops us from preferring to live in better place d. Proper education facilities and safety 3. TO WHAT EXTEND DOES YOUR OWN PLACE OF RESIDENCE FULFILL YOUR IDEAL LIVABILITY CRITERIA? I live in Gwalior, a Medium town in Madhya Pradesh, India for last 20 years. I shifted from Pune, a good livable major city. In Gwalior, the travel distance for the work place is very little, at times I cycle to my work place. I find time for myself andthe travel distance for the work place is very little, at times