Uploaded on 2018-01-02 by Heba Ezzat Dewedar
1. Culture Transportation Education Recreation possibilities Job opportunities 2. Cairo, Egypt. Family and friends Flexibility of the city and unexpectedness social networks and connections hub for social and cultural studies Cultural and historical richness 3. 50% livable 4. I've come to the conclusion that education changes everything, and everything whether positive or negative goes back to education, whether academic or cultural education. A city is its people, and its people create the city, live within it, adapt to it, adapt it... thus widening the understanding of the residents; of their roles, their potentials, how and what can be changed, would create a change in multiple aspects at once. Education in Cairo is being more and more privatized, with the public education sector getting less attention. In parallel I would work on public transportation and public spaces, the dynamic physical dimension of the city. The city works quite well virtually, but much potential is lost due to clogged traffic and lack of opportunities for social interaction and public manifestations, and privatization of the public realm. 5. Amsterdam, Munich, and Florence Culture and connection to Nature Proper transportation Research possibilities Aesthetic qualities Recreational possibilities