Uploaded on 2017-12-21 by lucas assumpção requena
My Ideia of Citizen Design Science is to create a simple app for the collaborative citizen where can combine popular queries made by the rulers and the planners of some city hall to know about especific needs and demands of the public, based in its profile such as, age, place of residence, place of work, displacements, special needs, number of children in home, etc...So, in this way it is possible to look at the specific needs of the citizens from some region, or city, or neighborhood, or from some street. The queries can be formed by the combination of the profile made by the own user in the registration process in the app and also by the profile data supplied by the social media, google, gps locations, etc... Selecting for whom to consult and what to consult. And in the same app, the public either can point with photos and some topics needs of the city or it's neighborhood such as, public buildings (schools, hospitals), tree-lined streets, urban cleaning, security, services, trafic, transportation equipments, etc... So this app will be a direct cpmmunication channel between the governors and the citizen.