Uploaded on 2017-11-18 by Eberlin Aelia
I just want to say that I answer to the first exercice but I won't know if you receive it. 1.The dominant fossil fuel used in my country is nuclear (producted) and next oil (imported). 2. The first is used to make electricity which go in "other". The second is used for the transportations. 3. In France, we use a lot of nuclear energy to make a lot of electricity and a little of heat. The big inconvenient is that we lose a lot of power. I would to change it by put more hydrothermal and geothemal infrastructure. We need to replace this not profitable power with energy produce by lossless way. I guess we need to put more electricity in our transport. I would made less expensive electrical transport and put more electrical charger on the road. As you can see on the picture, we don't take enough solar energy. I would open more technical research on how to better capture solar energy.