Switzerland, Zürich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon
FC-04x Responsive Cities (1st Run) - Exercise 4: "City App"
Uploaded on 2017-11-17 by Julien
My app aims to foster urban creativity and initiatives by passing by the visual support of an idea instead of simply writing a text on a forum. Residents could simply take a picture of a place in which they would add / remove / change something in their neighbourhood and virtually represent that change through an in app- built basic drawing software. Then the result could be posted and all the propositions would be mapped and made accessible for the others users as well as authorities. Together with the drawing could be added a text that further develops into a thread. In that way the app could be similar to where other users could review the proposal either by words or likes and in addition they could repost their own proposition on the same picture basis. On those discussion could appear nice project and people with the same opinion could connect in order to later realise the proposal or simply launch a debate. The instagram format would as well attract younger portions of the population which are the one that are often not consulted in planning and thus improve their representation.