Uploaded on 2017-11-14 by Alex Gavozdea
PERSonal EVacuation ALert System Aim: To alert the city government on the fundamental safety issue of self-evacuation possibilities of large(r) groups of persons from public spaces, indoor or outdoor. The user/citizen can report on observations of hindrances, straight-out access restrictions and overall self-evacuation capacities of public locations. Context: Public authority overwhelmed by the task of inspecting these situations, dynamism of layout changes even for fixed locations (clubs, event halls, public squares, alternative spaces for entertainment but also public buildings of the local and central government institutions etc.). The respective public authority is also hindered by political interference, less than competent personnel and the overall lack of transparency. The app aggregates location of the smart device user with the description (text) of the issue observed and photographs (original size and small size). App feedback: Map of the alerts, by category of spaces and gravity. Government addresses issue – alert pin turns green. photo credit http://c8.alamy.com/comp/CXWEGY/bags-of-rubbish-and-cardboard-boxes-blocking-a-fire-safety-exit-CXWEGY.jpg