Uploaded on 2017-11-09 by Pedro Martini
Here in southern Brazil, we have been affected by a very intense climate change in the past years. Thees climate changes are, basically, very hot summers, less cold winters and, mainly, strong storms with a high density rain in few hours. Thees high density rains causes a lot of damages and after thees events lots of maintenance teams (provided by city hall) have to find out the damages and create an schedule to fix them, with take lots of work and time. My suggestion is create a Citizen Survaillance App where every citizen can take a picture of a damaged area, describe (if he wants) the problem and their impact, then send it to a database that will be used by city hall to schedule the public maintenance team. With these simple system we will be abe to reduce public costs, return fast actions to citizens that will fell closer to the government concerns.