Uploaded on 2017-07-02 by centre
In Ghent the site ordered a study on the city heat island effect. the Ugent ( university of Ghent) concluded that there was an average of 3°c difference in temperature between the centre of the city ant 10 km further in more rural area. The big difference is due to the dense and high buildings in the centre, this without green or water. outside the site, the temperature can drop faster because of the great amount of green and blue areas. I would add extra green. because it causes extra shadow in the day so the surface temperature of the materials can't rise that fast. Extra parks, green roofs/ walls. By every renovation off a public place would advise to add extra green, flowing water and extra shadow spots by trees or canopies. And the city has to strive to space neutral development of the city. Ghent is trying to reduce the UHI effect. they implemented a new circulation plan, to give more place to walkers and bikers in the city. the promote and subsidize green roofs. The ciy is trying to use less fully hardened surfaces.