Uploaded on 2017-06-30 by Sylwia
Ad 2. I live in Bytom, where the Center is a strictly built city space. On the outskirts of Centum, there are large squares of greenery, which are an island of pleasant climate. In Poland, workshops on "Developing plans for adaptation to climate change in cities over 100 thousand. Residents "among others in Bytom. "This is an innovative project by the Ministry of the Environment, co-funded by EU money to reduce the effects of climate change. It involves assessing and highlighting key climate phenomena that affect the quality of life and disrupt the city's functioning, often putting financial losses at risk." (Page http://siemianowiceslaskie.naszemiasto.pl/artykul/wyspy-ciepla-i-powodzie-zmiany-klimatu-w-miastach,4136547,art,t,id,tm.html) According to the first conclusions in Bytom, the warmest is on the Market Square, a central square, which is entirely made of concrete. There is a small amount of trees on it which do not give a lot of shade. Experts from the institute recognized that in Bytom the so-called. The urban heat island is downtown, which has compact and dense buildings. Moreover, in this city they have confirmed the increase of maximum precipitation Daily as well as the increase in the number of days with storms. This causes trouble with the drainage of rainwater and the nuisance of flooding and flooding. On the other hand, we have areas in the center of the city, which are green islands, where the microclimate is much more pleasant than the market, due to the high number of tall trees giving the summer shade and the grassy areas where you can rest. Ad 3. Square in the center of Bytom for more than a dozen years is a space in the center called "Red Square". There are trees on it, but definitely the proportions between concrete and green are very unfavorable. After that the trees grow directly from the concrete floor. There is definitely a need for more trees, long lasting species, giving shade in the summer. In addition, part of the floor should be green, or low plants and quats to improve the view. An important problem of this square is also the backs which do not serve for comfortable sitting, but rather to sit for a few seconds, more made of steel, very unpleasant either summer or winter. I would change them to more pleasant with natural material. Ad 4. W Polsce tematy ekologii, przyjaznej przestrzeni są wciąż mało znaczące. Obecnie Ministerstwo Środowiska pracuje nad analizą efektu cieplnego w poszczególnych miastach, ale oprócz tego nasz rząd skupia gospodarkę energetyczną wokół węgla ignorując problemy z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza i innye tego skutki. Społecznie w ramach organizacji pozarządowych zajmujemy się szerzeniem wiedzy na temat konieczności dbania o zieleń w mieście.