Uploaded on 2017-06-27 by Samantha Martin
What makes a City livable to me: 1. Environment 2. Sanitation Standards 3. Safety 4. Recreation Possibilities 5. Infrastructure I live in Boise, Idaho for the reasons of how easy and comfortable it is. We have great access to nature and recreation within city limits. We have access to clean running water and use water to provide electricity. The city is relatively flat so bike commuting is non-strenuous. It is still affordable so we can work less and have more free time to do what we want with. If I could change something it would be the architecture. We have built many new generic looking buildings that have short life spans. Places I would be happy to move and why: Melbourne, Australia Economy, Health Care, Climate, Recreation Possibilities, Sanitation Standards Berlin, Germany Economy, Job Opportunities, Culture, Art scene, Health Care Lijubianja, Slovenia Environment, International Connectivity, Safety, Health Care, Transportation