Uploaded on 2016-07-22 by Edgar Valdes
Pavement material on three cities On this collage image we will show the usage of the same pavement technique. For this image we select three cities in which stone pavement can be found and discuss about the usage of local materials and global materials. Our conclusion is that the use of local material is an historical and has been combined by the use of global material to introduce enhanced functionality. Pula is the largest city in Istria County, Croatia, situated at the southern tip of the Istria peninsula. For this city, the upper left image shows a stone brick pavement technique. This material is a transformation of mountain rock, converted to large bricks. Venice is a city in northeastern Italy and the capital of the Veneto region. From a historical perspective, Venice has passed from an active social and economy city to a tourist destination. Venice street, bottom left image, shows a more precise and artistic technique on brick pavements. The city primary activity makes a necessity on constant pavement renew; reveling thus that the material creation has to be imported from the outside in order to fulfill with the demand. Berlin is a city located in northeastern Germany on the banks of Rivers Spree and Havel; with one-third of the city's area composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes. As one of the most populated cities; its pavement has to offer different scopes of services. In the left image, we can recognize different types of pavement: cobblestone, Sett and permeable pavement. Cobblestone pavement is used on the less traffic areas in order to lower maintenance; Sett pavement is used on the walk pass with the same intention. Also a noticeable modularity is observed for the different functionalities –in this case vehicle and walking lanes-. On all the examples described so far, a common global element is found: concrete. This element is used to join and maintain the pavement. Giving its intrinsic properties; concrete has found its way to become the most used construction material. For the pavement concrete, the usual cement material y polymer based. On the image we can find an evolution on the usage of concrete: for Pula just as a joining material; for Venice a permeability and ease of application factor has been added; and for Berlin a structural characteristic is introduced to separate functionality modules by a concrete physical form element. Concrete used as a global material in constructions is nowadays not only an element of construction but a complete structural element on its own.