Uploaded on 2017-06-24 by DIALA QUQA
1- Citizen design science is a concept is a participatory approach in urban planning and designing by which the citizens take part in the decisions and approaches of the city planning and this is vital in such cases. This is because the citizen is what makes the city livable and what triggers the life in it. Citizens comfort is also another aspect that affects the livability and the liveliness of it. If a citizen is not comfortable with living in a certain city/country, then the city is no longer livable, it's threatened to be not live and not developed in regards to the sustainable future that the city is not able to offer for its citizens and people living in it . 2- If i was to improve the safety of my people in a certain location whether neighborhood/building or even a public space, then definitely the people living in this venue or setting need to be taken into account. To begin with qualitative and quantitative information and research needs to be handled and collected, then the analysis phase needs to be done and also SWOTs needs to take place. All these aspects help in understanding the urban context being studied to come up with meaningful solutions. The solutions can not be objective, they need to be able to merge both research worlds into one which include the people's perspective along with the in-depth research done about the studied context. Citizens need to propose ideas,solutions and insights and STORIES or even narrtives of the current situation and what they expect to have in the future. This accounts and adds up to the understanding of the people using the space and in terms or in conclusion helps in finding an ultimate and universal solution for a sustainable future and more safe atmosphere 3- Guidlines including involving the citizens in every step I will be advancing in. It also includes sustainable development aspects and principles that aim to develop and improve the quality of life of the people i am going to design for.