Saint Lucia, Castries
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2017-05-21 by Electric Pole
The city of Castries, the commercial hub of St. Lucia. That being so, it's quite lively with daily commuting and city life as captured in view. The visible info. present is the layout of the city, commercial infrastructure to the far north beyond the harbour and small housing schemes to the bottom-right below. Yet not obvious is the city space efficiency, with classification of different zones. The commercial scheme is centralized keeping all city adversities away from residential areas. Also, while being a small city, movement within city zones are easily accessible. Open roads and passages can be used by any means (feet, bicycle, vehicle) as seen. Open movement is apparent yet expansion is necessary. This "mini-city" exudes versatility, accommodating both residents and commuters.