Uploaded on 2016-07-13 by Alvaro Puertas Villavicencio
Hi! In this opportunity, I'll show you the most important stocks and flows around here in Lima. Well, I can tell that most of those stocks and flows come from public spaces or spaces shared among large numbers of people. Here, this image shows you an informal mall called Gamarra. Here stock and flows are guided by the trends and the desire to get things at a cheaper price. The most important stock and flow, of course, is people, all coming to this place in order to increase their finances. By this I mean stock and flow of economics, money. Well, here things are incredible dystopic. You might get things cheaper but you could also get robbed as well, so don't get that happy so fast. Products are also coming and going, some of them have a legal procedence, but all of them are not that legal. This fusion, between legal and illegal activities are also what make this place interesting but chaotic. Enjoy! This image was taken from http://perupress.com/ministra-triveno-insta-a-empresarios-de-gamarra-a-deponer-paralizacion/