Uploaded on 2017-05-01 by Rabia Haneef Meo
The 5 major cities I would consider to be the most livable are: 1. Masdar 2. Islamabad. 3.Singapore 4. Paris 5.Brasilia The measures of Livability for me are: 1. Educational Opportunities. 2. Work Opportunities. 3. Low Temperature and less noise. 4. Transportation Facilities. 5. Peaceful environment. My current city Multan has fewer Educational and work Opportunities and uncomfortable Transportation Facilities and power supply issues.It has a higher temperature but it is quiet peaceful. It can be improved and made more livable by providing more Educational and work Opportunities by bringing more business to the city. It can have better transportation services and more trees and greenery. Better power options could be created by making reservoirs for storing rain water for electricity production and solar power could be used.