Uploaded on 2017-04-26 by Shadeyko Nikolay
Can you give a short overview of the national circumstances of your country? Russia is a state in Eastern Europe and North Asia. The population is 146 804 372 people. (2017). The territory of Russia, defined by its Constitution, is 17 125 191 km ². It occupies the first place in the world in terms of territory, the sixth - in terms of GDP in terms of PPP and the ninth in terms of population. The structure of the Russian Federation includes 85 subjects. The Russian economy is the sixth among the countries in terms of GDP by PPP. The rate of economic decline recorded in 2016 is about 0.8% (200th in the world). The revenue part of the state budget for 2016 - 186.5 billion dollars, spending - 236.6 billion dollars, budget deficit - 4% of GDP. Russia is divided into twelve major economic regions: the North-West, North, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Volga, North-Caucasian, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern and Kaliningrad (Crimea into a single economic District is not included). The main oil and gas production is conducted in Western and Eastern Siberia [319]; Hydroelectric power stations, non-ferrous metallurgy and timber industry - in Eastern Siberia. The Far East is distinguished by the extraction of gold and diamonds, fishing and seafood production. In the Northern region, the main industries include coal, oil, gas, apatite, nickel and other metals, as well as logging and fishing. The North-Western, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Ural and Volga regions are distinguished by developed machine building, chemical, light, food industry, energy and services. The Central Black Earth region and the Northern Caucasus have developed agriculture and food industry. The Kaliningrad region has developed services, fishing and tourism. The transport system in Russia is characterized by a poorly developed transport network, although it is one of the most extensive in the world, including more than 120,000 km of railways, 1 million km of highways, 230,000 km of main pipelines, 100,000 km of river shipping routes [ 333]. Huge spaces and severe climate predetermined the paramount importance for Russia of all-weather types of land transport - rail and pipeline. The bulk of the cargo work falls on them. Water transport plays a much smaller role in Russia due to the short navigation period. The role of road transport in the overall freight turnover due to the extremely small average distances of transportation (within cities and suburbs, open-pit mines, forest roads in logging areas, etc.) due to the poor quality of roads and their inadequate Length, is also small, despite the fact that it is transported more than half of the goods. What are the main climate protection targets of your country in the report? Due to the natural and geographical features of the Russian Federation (for example, For example, 67% of its territory are in the zone of permafrost) considerable attention is paid in Russia to the vulnerability of regions, areas of activity, natural, industrial and other objects to the effects of climate change. One of the goals is to develop measures to adapt the economic and social sectors to climate change. It is also important to develop program research and systematic observations of climate variables. In Russia, attention needs to be paid to education, training and public awareness. How does your country want to reach these targets? National climate policy and measures are developed and implemented in three main directions: - Normative and legal acts and purposeful activities, Ensuring compliance with national obligations under the UNFCCC And the Kyoto Protocol; - National programs, including socio-economic development programs, providing for a set of measures to limit anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, protection and Improving the quality of sinks and accumulators of greenhouse gases; and - other national programs and activities, the implementation of which Helps to reduce emissions or enhance the absorption of greenhouse gases. What is your opinion about you country's approach to the environmental issues? In my opinion, serious measures are being taken in Russia to preserve the ecological situation and, in particular, the climate. The main position in my opinion is enlightening work with the population on the need to protect the environment. Also, the development of technologies that can be used in industry, in transport, in the home, which reduced harmful anthropogenic impact on the environment.